Friday, May 26, 2023

Dead to Death

In the last couple of weeks, I have had very interesting dreams, they feel so real; some scary, some come in the form of a warning, some peaceful; but in all of them (maybe except one), I wished I could go back to the scenes. In this same space of time, I went from being declared a "walking dead", one whom the doctors were scared of having in their premisis, to a new born; its amazing.
With everyday that passes by, I like some of the decisions I make, still working to that point of absolute peace though.
I just recalled one of the statements a facilitator at one of my event said, "If we did not make decisions based on emotions, some of us have no business being married"; it was actially about making decisions. I am getting to that point where emotions have nothing on me in making decisions, it's hard, but seeing the effect. 
It has been said that life is a game, I thought I knew how to play the game, seeing now that I am still a learner. Point is, killing emotional decisions, killing unnecessary acts, argument, worries, guilt. There is no rule book here, it really is kill or be killed regardless of who it is; they have shown no mercy and do not intend to (based on their actions). I am killing all death in my life.