It's been a while since I last set goals, my last set of goals expired when I turned 40, and set some confusion. Indeed, with no compass, be prepared to get lost! As hard as 2024 was, I am grateful to God, my love, family, my brothers and my friends for the support through the year; it really was like the beach with its waves; ups and downs, but we pulled through.
I made progress in my love life, having someone you can trust, work with and communicate with is the real deal! I spent more quality time with my loved ones, even though career did not advance that much, financially, I was better off. I skipped Sunday Masses a lot, but worked with my weekday Masses. Health-wise, I really cannot say I made that much progress, however, I made good round at the gym, and still grew a belly 🤣 Interestingly, I thought I had turned the curve in my divorce case in 2024, I started having good conversations with my kids and their mum, but when I said no to one item, things went south. I will dedicate a post on this when I can finally put the pieces together.
In summary, 2024 was a very good year, even though, I questioned my existence once again. I am eternally grateful to God, and all those who made the experience of the year what it was. Good, Bad, who knows? I am grateful to be alive to have seen the end of that chapter, and the beginning of a new one