Saturday, July 13, 2013


What is it about fame, money and power that makes a man leave all other less fearsome tasks for these?

Is it the desire to oppress others, the desire to be comfortable,  or be secure? I guess we will never know. But one thing we will know for sure is, the quest will never end.

I love power too, but does this have to come with fame? Can I be powerful and not famous? Thinking of all the great and powerful men that have lived, did their power make them famous or was it their fame that got them the power, who knows? I really am not driven by fame, nor am I power hungry, but of what use is living when you are always at the mercy of a few, unable to go where you want because of fear of some "good" people? Where does money fit in this equation? The catalyst? My mind is racing really fast and I feel the urge, more than ever before, to find answers to these questions.

Where does help come from? Questions, questions and more questions, but no answers.
Once I was a philosopher, pure in heart, pure blood like a few good people use to say, but now I feel I sold this innocence, ingenuity, too cheaply.  I am not rich, speak less of wealthy, so don't get me wrong. Can this then be the reason for this unsatisfactory feeling I feel? Even more questions. They say man is a thinking being, I say he is a questioning being,  well that's just me, lol. I will get there, I hope, I feel it though, but don't know if that will be in this lifetime (my theory on this in subsequent posts).

What can I refer to as my greatest achievement? The taking of a wife, my job, my child or just living through each day. I use to hate living, and thinking about it now, it wasn't because I had no fame. Truth be told, I have tasted fame, or had the opportunity to pursue it, but did not feel too interested at the time; or maybe I was too lazy to invest all that was required to make me really famous? I really do not care at this point, because I believe it is not fame that drives me, but the "Humble Power". This is the ability to oppress the people, but the wisdom not to. It is only a few who will know this power as many will die from the shock of having control than from the control in itself.

Say I were to be very powerful in this life, that would mean everything be at my feet. Nations, kingdoms, people would know me and maybe fear me; I would definitely be wealthy. If I have such power, how is it then that I should die? I really cannot imagine dieing since everything would be at my disposal and everyone at my beck and call. Will I die by virtue of my human nature, or because I am still less than the almighty, who controls and regulates the universe, and may not be impressed with all my fame, power and money?

Fame will most likely bring money, but not necessarily power. Power on the other hand, leads to fame, which in turn will most likely bring money; but none of these are guaranteed.

Fame and power will eventually lead to the grave!

What is it about fame, money and power that makes a man leave all other less fearsome tasks for these? Would I not be better off seeking the ultimate end (the grave) which is less fearsome and guaranteed?

What do you want of life?

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