Monday, September 30, 2024


 1.       I want to BE HAPPY

2.       I want to BE COMFORTABLE

3.       I want to BE KNOWLEDGEABLE

4.       I want to GROW FINANCIALLY

5.       I want to GROW SPIRITUALLY

6.       I want to SEE MY CHILDREN GROW

7.       I want to SATISFY MY FAMILY

8.       I want to HELP OTHER PEOPLE

9.       I want to be able to MEDITATE DAILY

I want to visit the CARRIBEAN



I am the child of the most high, born of flesh, immersed in His spirit. His divinity surrounds me. The gospel that I shall preach is the gospel of my life, acting out only what I have been instructed to; controlled no longer by time and chance. My foundation is in Him!

Planet = MARS

Element = Fire


Courageous, determined, confident, energetic, enthusiastic, optimistic, honest, passionate.


Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive, aggressive, turbulent.


Comfortable clothes, taking on leadership roles, physical challenge, individual sport


Inactivity, delays, work that does not use one's talent.

Other Info

Continuously looking for dynamic, speed and competition; always being first in everything, from work to social gathering. It is in my nature to take action, sometimes before properly thinking about it.

I have good organizational skills, which gives me the ability to finish several things at once (often before taking a break). I like to fight for my goals, I embrace togetherness and teamwork. I am brave and rarely afraid of trial and risk. I am ready to be the hero of the day, fly away and carry many endangered, powerless people on my back.


I have a task to share my position, power, gold or physical strength with others willingly. Where this is not done, my energy stops its natural flow, fear takes over and the process of giving and receiving becomes out of balance.

On Relationship (Love & Sex0

When I fall in love, I usually would express my feelings to the person, without giving it considerable thought. I tend to shower the loved one with affection, sometimes in excess, forgetting to check the information I get in return.

On Family & Friends

My social life is typically always moving, warm and filled with new encounters. I am usually tolerant of people, I am respectful of different personalities and the openness they can provoke with simple presence. My circle of friends is a wide range of strange individuals, mostly in order for me to feel like I have enough different views on personal matters I don't know how to resolve. I would cut connections and acquittances short for dishonesty and unclear intentions. Long-term friendships will come with those who are energetic and brave to share their insides at anytime.

At a young age, I was clear in my head how I wanted to live my life, having been separated from my family when I was just a little over 10 years old. I was hard to control and angered by many restrictions. I take on family obligations whenever that comes up, hardly refusing more work, as if to show that my pool of energy is infinite.

Career & Money

The working environment is the perfect place for my ambition and creativity to show, as I fight to be as good as possible. My speed of mind and vast energy, keeps me one step ahead of everyone else. All I need to do to succeed is to follow my chosen path and not give up on professional plans, guided away by emotions. When faced with a challenge, I would quickly assess the situation and come up with a solution. Competition does not bother me, instead it encourages me to shine even brighter. On a bad day, I can be self centered, arrogant and stubborn, but i am also courageous, adventurous and passionate.



Most Important Episodes

1. The Eye Mark (1987??): The first encounter, though not entirely clear, when the grace became real. The definition of Purpose and Strength. The first reclaiming moment and connection with faith, hope and God.

2. 1997: Official taste of failure, the invisible veil was broken, a call to action, quest for the afterlife, lose of fear, then search for glory, hard work, care and carelessness of life, first real shot at understanding life and purpose; first real known encounter with God; fear of failure; zeal for success; beginning of a philosophical life. Disappointments then hope; weakness birth strength.

3. 2007: Near victory, spotlight, hatred for spotlight desire for success. The beam, creating a balance, lost opportunity? Regaining self belief, trust in the unseen, faith, destiny and God. Confidence booster, nothing is impossible!

4. 2021: Confusion! Strength bows to meekness, Confronted unknown fear, desire and passion at ends width. Knowledge & belief opposed by reality. Regret felt for the first time, questions decisions feel like a prisoner.

5. 2014: Conformed to the standards of the world and people, realization and eventual appreciation of the divine. A fall from grace with all to lose. Hunger for the afterlife, shame and embarrassment, a period and feeling of weakness give birth to ideas and a new sense of direction and purpose.


To constantly live a life of grace, using lessons of past failures to dispel fear and encourage the search and quest for glory.


To achieve my vision in life and the purpose of God through hard work, care, humility and the living of the true philosophies of the unseen God, while leading men to a new sense of direction and the fulfilment of their ultimate purpose.


 There is good and evil in everyone. As a matter of fact, both exist at the same time, in the same proportion at birth. As hard as that may be hard to believe and comprehend, a simple explanation is your life. If good and evil are separate and outside of humans, why do we feel under pressure to do right; why do we feel under pressure to do good? If good were natural and evil outside of us, we shouldn't struggle to do good. What I have come to understand is that those who seem to do good naturally (for which I do not believe there is any such thing), can be seen to have just perfected the act.

We all have to make the conscious effort and decide to be good or do evil; but the fact that evil feels more natural to us than good ideas, points to the strength in doing wrong and/or what we truly are. Who are we then? What role does God have to play in all of this? What is the essence of our lives and for what do we get to see each day? Yes, we all have our purpose, and I strongly believe, we would and can never rest until that purpose is achieved.

I also believe that in spite of the seeming strength of evil, good is of a superior quality and requires higher & greater strength to perform. The fact that the world is filled with more evil than good is not a sign or a pointer to the fact that evil is stronger, rather it shows how weak, lazy and indiscipline we are, yet tells us that there are a lot of opportunity and room to grow. Our choices and decisions will remain in the past, but also have the power to direct the future.

I reflect now on my past decisions, things I have done and either regretted immediately or do so now, and I know and indeed I am grateful that I have a conscious that still speaks to me, and that I hear and can respond to. I once said my conscious is a gift and a curse, but writing now, I see t more as a gift.

We live in a fast paced, technological world, where some believe life is earned or a right. I haven't written in over a year, but feel a sense of responsibility to do so now. Right or wrong, I chose not to judge myself, or any other person for that matter, I only seek to live my life right and end this journey once and for all, that I may return. This is not an end, now there is no end, only writings, not so that I feel, look or act wise (I pray that is never my lot), but to commence the beginning of my end and as much as possible, do so with sanity. I may never come back to this, frankly I find the old writings, but write I shall, just as depart I must.

21/08/2016; 16:45

Should we stop trying to control our lives and live them, since everything that happens to us is a result of what we are connected to; what we call "divine intervention" is merely connections we were not aware of (Morgan Freeman). Birds don't fly, they are flown, fish don't swim, they are carried. Everything is connected, everything has a reason for why they are created.

21/08/2016; 17:05

Friday, September 27, 2024



Growing up as a child, I did not like many things. I liked to eat, I was not into gamming, but I loved playing football. I liked to ack, loved playing the Priest character, and also loved to sing.

Physically, I was strong, you would hardly catch me cry, was not afraid of seeing blood and just wanted to be strong. I would pump my chest whenever I had the opportunity to defend someone else who was bullied, cos I loved to stand up for those who were either afraid to do so, or just could not defend themselves.


As I recall, my challenges started when I became separated from my family, when I went to boarding school. I was probably just 10 years old or so, this was in 1992. As a coping mechanism, there was always someone who looked like someone I knew back home and that really got me connected back to home. I really did not like the school, I was bullied a lot and not long after, my once good grades started to head south. I recall pleading with my parents to take me out of the school; pleas that obviously fell on deaf ears. When my grades kept going worse, my dad washed his hands off my studies and not long after, I had to leave the school and came back home. The damage was done already at that time, I hated school and whatever it represented. This was my first traumatic experience and it was in these days I experienced what I now realized is called depression! I recall being ashamed and afraid of going outside, my love for the game was no longer there, I would lock myself inside the room, mostly because I feared I would be perceived weak and a failure.

I stopped making friends (not like I was big on this, cos in my neighborhood, you almost did not have a choice, we grew up as a community, but at this time, you had to select your click). Being locked indoors, i focused my time more around religion and reading, with particular interest in philosophy, trying to find a reason and meaning of life and to go on. I became angrier, but now more determined to turn my fortunes around and become successful. Put it this way, books and philosophy opened and broadened my mind! At this point I hated failure, I became secretive, stopped talking, was open to take more risk and became spontaneous.

Saturday, August 10, 2024


This entry is more superstitious than real; my treade right?.
Fiction and reality might meet. If it does, my theory is valid. Hear me now, I know... not that i know how to communicate it. A few weeks ago, I thought I Jo longer take mys3of seriously. Till I got that picture, and I acknowledged, "this is intense!"
I am sipping on a mild tea, munching on my groundnuts from a 5k walk, I love it.i am going all in, you would not like me.

Monday, July 22, 2024


Once again, I died, knowing that I cannot actually. I have movement now, slowly but surely. The loss is painful, the process more, the acceptance is even worse. I have lowered my BP, not slept yet, but apparently,  sounding better. I can look at screens, make coherent statements and that gives me hope. This madness ends this time, this devil dies this week. I now know your name and your form. Watch me watch you. I understand we all go through it. My form will stick, my freedom is guaranteed  now.