Friday, May 15, 2015

Friend or Fiend?

1998, that was the year; the year I had a rebirth, my first wilderness experience; started to see things from a different perspective, saw & understood the disappointing side of life for the first time. I had just read a book by Kahil, who in my opinion, remains one, if not the best modern day philosopher; and he changed my perspective, made me aware of the beauty of the universe, as well as the philosophical dimension of the universe and all things there in.
I remember after reading that book, I told a friend that I no longer was interested in making or keeping human friends, and that I would rather talk to animals (as weird as that would be) and relate with humans with the devil's fork, I meant it! But it did not last. Humans have a way of making you warm up to them; they win you over with their charm, charisma and all things [practised], to what end? I had come to understand that humans feel things (animate or inanimate) are only there to be used. Whilst they tell you the sweetest of words and show the kindest of actions, (wo) man seem to always remain focused on their ultimate goal (to win over things).
I can't quite seem to understand why "I owe you one" for coming to my aid in a time of need and yet, you expect me to believe you just helped me. As far as I can see and know, I just took a loan to pay back on a date you decide; and this seems to be the rule by which many live. I have been thinking about this for a while now, how do people really become your enemy, and I nean genuine enemy? They start off as friends right? Then probably see a few things you have that they like but don't have, then jealousy sets in and boom, an enemy just might be in the kitchen. Well maybe I have it all twisted the wrong way in my head, but assuming I were wrong, how then do we form enemies?

I have heard people say "I just don't like him/her"; the way I see it, that person don't classify as an enemy, just might mean one is indifferent to such individual. So does indifference create enemies? A wiseman once said, "if you want to know where your enemy is, look inside your house/ close circle." Applying that principle therefore, it seems we breed enemies from friends and keep them close to us still, not aware of their new status and blinded by the same level of trust we had when we formed the friendship. If we could not see the changes, which in most cases we do not, as trust veils us, how then do I spot my enemy;  who apparently understands the important role trust plays? When I fall and feel betrayed, or when I hear those words "you owe me one"?

Personally, I hate debts, it's a huge burden I hate to bare, but seems to be necessary in ones survival kit. If I choose to evaluate all those close to me periodically,  I will be considered paranoid, lacking in trust and not fit to have as a friend. Thinking about it, that doesn't sound like a bad choice. But then again, remembering the words of another wise man who said "if you want to go far, go alone, but if you mean to go well, walk with others", I feel constrained. The world has become a global village, where we all need people; I guess the big question then is, to what degree.
A quick evaluation then might help:
- who hurts me the most? (friends or fiends)
- who disappoints me the most?
- who challenges me the most?
- who gives me the most joys?
- who would I rather be with?

I can easily make up my mind, and know I need to live with the consequence. But the question still remains; who do you have, Friends or Fiends?

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