Friday, November 3, 2017

Is he Back?

I have been laughing all week, very strange, giving my current situation (not that I am not grateful), but in the last two years, there is hardly anything that has made me genuinely laugh this much; now I find myself doing it this week. I have to be very honest and positive, things are looking up, for someone who struggles to see true good in life, I am somewhat scared, and trust me, a lot of the people I work around are scared to their bones. In fact they have been pointing fingers, thinking I am about to bolt.
Honestly, I have been seriously and actively looking to.
I am a believer that I am never in a position because someone or some spirit put me in it; I am quick to give the Almighty the credit for wherever I find myself, however I blame myself when I am in a position that (by my judgement) is wrong for me.
Is there really any wrong position?
I am a believer in the unseen forces of the universe, but I believe that it is only the Almighty, the Good Lord, that has the power to shape and move things; and that even when "bad" things happen, He must have given His approval. Yea I know what you may be thinking, "but that is against His nature", well not really. I don't want to go philosophical now, I just want to write, just write.

Months after the first part of this, I started indulging myself again in philosophy, and boy, I sure did miss it. It sort of defines my thoughts, and with all that is happening now, the timing couldn't be any better. Sitting outside, I hear a preacher (it's 22:02 hrs by the way) preaching about heaven and how "religion cannot take you to heaven, but only Jesus can". Naturally I would be enraged, giving the time, the city I live in and the need to rest, but today, I let it slide. I am becoming calmer, not like I wasn't before, but the situation has changed again. At this rate I fear true happiness may continue to elude me. I have just come to the realisation that all the things I did, that I felt were the right things, were considered my faults. I have now moved the pendulum to the opposite side and stuck a brick in front of it, to stop it from swinging. I will wait this one out. If anything, my past seems to have prepared me for this, I am indeed patiently waiting to see the end. Now I deliberately and consciously do the opposite, act the fool and see how this goes. Sometimes we need to act the fool, it may be difficult, not the popular thing to do, but it sure does reveal the fool. It's almost like you hand over the hangman's noose to him and watch him play with it, then use it. If a head pops, that's a price, if the pleading for help precedes it, even better. I prefer the second scenario in this case, and I watch.

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