Thursday, January 2, 2020

Alternate Worlds

This is going to be somewhat of a thread, and because I may have to come back to update it regularly, I will do my best to date before every entry. As short as the entries may be, I have decided to do this because I want to always remember and it now confirms something I have been aware of for over 20 years now, but coming through my subconscious state and I am able to remember them now!

2nd Jan 2020.
For the past few days my dreams have been in certain patterns: I have been actively involved, when it breaks (because I wake up), the moment I hit the bed, I pick off from where I left off. It has involved certain ladies ( whose faces I do not remember), sometimes my family members, sometimes my colleagues but I am either directing things, or participating in some 'important' event; the ladies (one per time) are a distraction but the people around me seem to accept their been there nonetheless. In most of the instances, they seek to take advantage of me sexually. On one of these occasions ( the first I can remember), I think I gave in. I am a spiritual person so I sort of know the implication, not to sure though. That part of the dream worries me. What makes me want to have these dreams still is that I am usually happy in these alternate world's and doing or seem to be doing things that are quite 'important' or significant. Yes I have had my share of a difficult and turbulent marriage, but I doubt that is what triggers these dreams now. 
I once wrote about our souls wondering and not returning to the creator until it has accomplished it's round in that world or the creator decides to call it back home, in which case, it can be sent elsewhere to still work. 
Now, I feel my soul may be operating in two different worlds at the same time, which as far as I know, should not be possible, honestly I'm not sure, hence the reason I have to record as much as I can remember now. 
One reason that comes to my mind why this multidimensional existence may be occurring, could be that my soul in this physical [real] dimension may have been too frustrated and is seeking energy and inspiration from the alternate dimension or could also mean something dramatic is about to occur, in which case, I hope it is good, but I don't know. I just hope I haven't gone rogue or planning to.
For now all I know is that I seem to be vividly aware or concious of the activities of my subconscious in another dimension/plane, not directly impacting on my current reality, but looking to either control it, alter it or make me aware of my existence in the alternate world. Yes, mumbojumbo science fiction bullshit, I would agree if this were not happening to me now. I have made no effort to recall or get in this zone, but it is happening now.
I told a friend, that sometimes split seconds before some events happen, I know what will be said and what will happen because I have experienced it before and he said it's called deja vu. Did not argue, happened two times this past week and then the dreams.
I will only watch and record as far as I can remember, may be I can start to connect the dots and make more sense of my life.

Night time, 21:11; 2nd Jan 2020 
I remember one of the girls from my dream, the 'sister to a friend' I have never met. Light in complexion, don't know her name, had nothing to do with her personal. She led me to the place I was last night. Like I said, it's coming back in bits. A colleague/ friend of mine told me [ in one of those dreams] about the qualifications of the person I may end up working with. Not like I care or I'm concerned, but the individual is showing signs of what was said and in my face; and I know he was told that we could be working together now.

3rd Jan 2020
The dream last night, as far as I can remember was short. I was in church with a couple I am familiar with ( can't remember who they are now); the wife was sitting close to me while I was praying the rosary and she had exactly the same type of rosary I have. Her husband was sitting in the other pew, also trying to pray the rosary but did not know how. The wife now told him how to, but also got it wrong. I stepped in and corrected both of them, but it looked that the lady had a scorn on her face when I did. I was shocked they both did not know how to pray the rosary.

7th Jan 2020
The dream this morning ( I know it was this morning because I slept past 12 midnight), was a short one again. I had a conversation with my neighbor ( Abuchi), he was complaining to me that the rate at which his water finishes is alarming. He said he doesn't know why this should be the case and was looking for who would be doing this to him. I told him, I wouldn't know, but that mine lasts a bit longer, even though we wash practically every day. Then it hit him, he said, it's probably when the nanny takes his daughter out, they also get the water to where the nanny stays. Honestly makes no sense to me, but I am just reporting as much as I can remember now. 
I also remember handing back to him one of his shirts that I mistakenly washed for him.

20 March 2020
I promised to write everything I dream of, I failed. Let me start.
I have had dreams that are more real than reality gets, last night (19Mar 2020), I dreamt that my line manager was out to mess me up. Not his fault. He sent me on a training in the abroad. I cut the training short cos I was tired and lied. He found out and decided to mess me up. I woke up thanking God it was just a dream (after palpitation); funny thing, dude stopped being my line manager in January 2020.
But that's not the script for today. I am attracted to married women that have sense and look good. I tried to meet them in February to no success, now it looks like it's happening, and I laugh. I have sworn that I shall never marry again if this thing (marriage) ends; and I mean it. I just thought to drop this here for you. I am tied so I'd stop.

3 Sept 2021
I did not forget this, just got too lazy to pen anything down. Home stretch for the 2nd year of working from home, trust me, that has a way of messing with your vitals. I have made some changes in my life. Honestly I had to go back all that I had written so far, to make sure I am not making this up. Oh, no, I don't smile that often anymore. For once in my life, my blood pressure was low; not a good thing still, but for someone like me, what hit me was major. "The Calm" comes to mind.
I have been cooked in my house for a week, felt like I haven't achieved much and decided to step out. I need to build my team dammit! 
That's the weather today, cloudy and been raining (just thought to slip that in). I would ignore the patterns.
Made some hard decisions 2 days ago; same day I had another nightmare, woke up and was like "piss, fuck off". You would not understand. I need to find a way to put markers here. All these social apps don't have manuals

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