Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Beauty of Life

We never really know who we are. We'll at least that's what I think. Don't get me wrong, we might have ideas, maybe even know in a particular phase or phases of our lives, but holistically, we don't. Most times it's not because we don't try or want to; that's just the mystery of like. And therein, lies the beauty!
Imagine that we knew life as humans, what would that look like? I once said that our natural inclination is to do evil, I take that back. There is no good or evil in created beings; we just respond to what we are dished out, experience or see. They say the dog is man's best friend, yet can be used for security purposes, no matter how small or its breed. Provoke the dog, it attacks you (owner or stranger), provoke a human being, you get the same (friend or foe);yet we ask people to be humans. What does that really mean?
Could that be that I have control over your emotions and actions? That's all we really have. The part where humans can 'control other's lives' is far reaching, and dependent on the control of emotions and actions.
We are primed, not by men, not by God's, but by what we go through. Men and gods give us access to other people's lives and responses, they don't dictate our responses. 
I can live, do and be what I want to be; that's beauty to me, influenced or not, that's life! 

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